Terms of use

I. Legal Information

1. Website Presentation

The SREI FIT LIFE website is an online store specialized in the sale of fitness products or equipment.

2. Website Publisher

The website is published by SHOPIFY.

3. Company Name

The company name is SREI GROUP LTD.

4. Legal Status

SREI GROUP LTD is a private limited company.

5. Registered Office Address

The registered office of SREI GROUP LTD is located at Shelton Street, Covent Garden in London.

Full Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ, UNITED KINGDOM

6. Email Address

You can also contact SREI GROUP LTD via email at the following address: support@sreifitlife.com.

7. Registration Number with the Companies House

SREI GROUP LTD is registered with the Companies House in the United Kingdom under the number 14890554.

II. Intellectual Property

1. Copyright

All content on this website, whether textual, graphic, photographic, audio or other, is the property of the company SREI GROUP LTD or its partners. They are protected by copyright laws and can only be used for personal or professional purposes, subject to compliance with the specified terms of use on the website.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, adaptation, or use of all or part of the content, by any means, without prior written authorization from the company SREI GROUP LTD is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of copyright laws.

2. Trademarks

The trademarks and logos displayed on the website are the exclusive property of the company SREI GROUP LTD or its partners and are protected by trademark laws. Any reproduction, representation, modification, or use of these trademarks and logos, in whole or in part, without prior written authorization from the company SREI GROUP LTD is strictly prohibited and constitutes a violation of intellectual property rights.

3. Ownership of Content

The content published on this website by the company SREI GROUP LTD or its partners remains the exclusive property of their respective authors. The use, reproduction, or modification of this content without written authorization is prohibited and constitutes a violation of intellectual property rights.

Any use of the website's content must be subject to prior authorization from the company SREI GROUP LTD or the respective authors.

III. Hypertext Links

1. Liability for External Links

The website may contain hypertext links to other websites. We have no control over these websites and disclaim any responsibility for their content and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the consultation or use of these websites.

2. Authorization for Linking to the Website

Any link to the website must obtain prior written authorization from us. This authorization may be revoked at any time and without prior notice.

V. Changes to the Legal Notice

These legal notices may be modified at any time without prior notice. Therefore, it is advisable to consult them regularly. By continuing to use the website after the publication of the modifications, you accept the new conditions.